Pet Care
EDU Dog Trainer
The dog trainer has a specific course and practical experience, the certification demonstrates that he is able to accompany a person in the process of adopting a dog, in choosing the most appropriate breed for their lifestyle, to insert the dog in a new environment, educate the dog to live in the social context, propose educational programs.
ESC Dog Expert
Certification as a Dog Expert demonstrates knowledge of puppy breeding, from education to breed selection, dog communication skills, canine dexterity and first veterinary assistance.
PET – Pet Sitter
It is the professional figure who takes care of the animals, each with their own characteristics. He takes care of cleaning, feeding, monitoring the state of health and taking care of sick and injured animals. He/She has skills and abilities to control the health, diet and behavior of animals.
DTP Dog Instructor DTP
It is the professional figure who is dedicated to the education of the dog in general. teaching of behaviors that can promote coexistence wth humans and of those behaviors that serve to change the most problematic attitudes of a dog.
Dog Instructor DTP+A
He is the professional figure who is dedicated to dog education for coexistence in the social context, canine training, specialties in canine assistance and interactions with the world of health.
Dog Instructor DTP+B
He has skills, abilities to educate the dog to live in the social context. He is dedicated to canine training with specialties in the analysis and resolution of behavioral problems in dogs.
Dog Instructor DTP+E
He dedicates himself to dog education in the coexistence of the social context, to canine training with specialties in guiding the dog during dog exhibitions.
Dog Instructor DTP+HD
He is dedicated to dog education in the coexistence of the social context, to canine training with specialties in the training of dogs with disabilities.
Dog Instructor DTP+SU
He is the professional figure who is dedicated to dog education and coexistence in the social context with canine training specialties in search and rescue on the surface and in the water.
Dog Instructor DTP+S
He is the professional figure who is dedicated to educating the dog to live together in the social context, to canine training to perform a sporting performance.
PTH- Pet Therapist
He is the professional figure who has specific knowledge in animal care, focusing on basic canine education, ethical aspects, the human-animal relationship, animal management, animal welfare.