
VAI Real estate appraiser

The certified real estate appraiser has all the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out the real estate appraisal and valuation activity (appraisals), in accordance with the International Real Estate Valuation Standards (IVS) and National for real estate credit and judicial sales, using technical language and theories universally known by real estate valuation experts.

CGP real estate management consultant

The certified real estate management consultant is the person able to assist clients in planning, managing and protecting their real estate assets. Must have technical and fiscal skills and must have knowledge of the main financial and insurance instruments applicable to the sector

SCM Smart city manager

The certified smart city manager is a manager and consultant for the public administration able to initiate those “smart” adjustments where innovation and technology are combined with sustainability, accessibility, for a better quality of life in cities but also to recover a new relationship between economy, social life and environment.

GSM safe driving machinery on site

Being certified in safe driving machinery on site demonstrates the possession of knowledge on the use of machines and their handling in construction sites, quarries and mines. It means possessing skills, experience, dexterity and specific knowledge on the vehicle and its characteristics, on the control and safety devices, on the checks to be carried out before its use and how to use it safely, on the protections against physical agents such as noise, vibrations, etc.

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